Brexit Day reportageAmit Lennon11 July 2020brexit, day, union, jack, flag, british, empire, nostagia, paliament, square, westminster, london, celebration, protestComment
Election 2015 - The Supporting Cast celebrity, portraitAmit Lennon31 May 2015election, uk, parliament, 2015, labour, conservatives, liberal, democrats, libdem, ed, milliband, nick, clegg, justine, thornton, miriam, gonzalez, durantez, brighton, cardiff, battersea, candidate, electorate, public, voting, voters, canvasing, polling, poll, party, leader, wife, lawyer, politics, westminster, house of commons, houses of parliament, vote, train, nursary, youth, childcare, children, professional, grazia, magazine, shoot, portrait, light, locationComment