"Interface" - World Premier! film, personal workAmit Lennon8 January 2016interface, lightsaber, light, saber, westcott, icelight, ice light, photographic, led, lighting, fight, film, short film, chris J Walsh, actors, actor, filmstar, video, new york, film festival, phillip K dick, philip K dick, scifi, sci-fi, science, fiction, festivalComment
Don't let facts get in the way of a good story reportageAmit Lennon16 March 2015citizen, photography, troilo, violence, world press, giovanni, war, staged photography, photojournalism, charleroi, fact, citizen photographer, death, portrait, staged photo, witness, manipulation, giovanni Troilo, illustration, celebrity, fiction, journalist, news, photo manipulation, photoshop, world press award, staged, visualisationComment